
After spending 30 years in retail and retail management with the same company, I made a decision to retire. I wasn’t of age to retire, however, I had served enough time that I could depart with some great benefits. Don’t get me wrong, I could win the lottery tomorrow and still have the desire to work. I’ve had many years of missed special occasions and holiday’s with family and friends due to the demands of a retail schedule and I wanted more of a work / life balance. I wanted to enjoy my life, my family and friends. Lots of good memories in retail management, I was dedicated and loyal to the company since I was 16, but who’s counting.


In the later years, the best part of my position in retail mgmt was supervising the volunteer program for the store. We committed to several United Way Programs; Habitat for Humanity, Harry Chapin Food Bank, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, A.C.T., Department of Children and Families, etc. I was elected as a member for the Allocations Committee for Lee County United Way that year. For Habitat for Humanity, I had been quickly educated on the application of roofing materials; no leaks in the roof after Hurricane Charlie came through in 2004. I was on the Board of Directors for the Candle Lighters; Kids with Cancer/Blood Diseases. We helped sponsor Golf Tournaments, and partnered with Cancer Society to send children off to Disney. I was on the SAC committee for a local elementary school in which we mentored children and assisted the community in building a playground.


I wanted more control over my schedule, flexibility and doing what I’m passionate about. One of the things I learned though different training seminars is that I’m a nurturer – I love to help people. I also learned on my days off I love to watch HGTV, visit model homes and experience real life out of the retail industry. My hobbies include motorcycles, snow skiing, hiking, fishing and boating and I love the beach. I am fascinated by my Orchids, Butterfly Garden, my Humming Bird Garden and am passionate about my forever furry family. I have rescued four wonderful kids – my cats.

Choosing home watch and concierge business gave me the best of all worlds. I could create and manage a flexible schedule. I could build relationships bound in trust with incredible people from all over the continent. I could watch and care for their beautiful homes and manage the maintenance and up keep of your property.

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